
一 为防止湿气渗入卡 地亚表壳和保持手表的防水性能,请确保表冠时刻处于锁紧状态。
二 手动上弦机芯的手表应尽量在每天同一时间上弦一次,使手表在 未来24小时有足够的能量运作。
三 超过40小时未曾佩戴过之自动上弦卡地亚表,应于再次佩戴时,将表冠转动二十圈,以再次启动机 芯的驱动系统。
四 自动上弦机芯的手表,其能量来源于佩戴者手臂的运动,故正常佩戴情况下不需手动上弦,只有因佩戴者运动量不 足以给发条补充足够能量的时候,可采用手动上弦的方法来弥补。
二、卡地亚手表调校后 务必将柄头推回到底。
四、卡地亚机 械自动表在佩戴者活动较小时走时可能偏慢,此属正常现象。
三、使用卡地亚手表时尽量不接触水、蒸气、高温及腐蚀性 气体,以免对机芯和外观造成不必要的损害。同时要避免强烈震动,并远离强磁场环境。
四、快速调整日 历需拔出表把,将时分针对 准12点逆时针方向拨3至4小时,再顺时针方向拨回12点,日历即快调一日。拔出表把转动,使时分针顺时针方向旋转两圈,也可使日历 顺跳 一日。
五、每24小时上满发条一次,以保证走时跳日所需的足够动力。上发条时12点向上持表,按顺时针方向旋转表把至上满发条。注意上满发条后不要再用力旋转表把,以免拧断上条 柄轴或发条。
一 卡地亚手表星期日历跳格,由于制格不同分为快慢两种,第一种±5分钟内日历跳格完成,第二种在3小时内日历跳格完成。
二 如遇采用螺旋式表冠的卡地亚手表,切勿硬拔,请先逆时针方向 旋转打开锁紧之表冠,在调整好时间后,将卡地亚表表冠顺时针方向转动并推入锁紧,以免进水。
三 如遇带日历的卡地亚表需调节日 期,请先将日历调到您所需要日期的前一天,之后转动时针来调节日期,当时针经过午夜12点时日期会变更,这样可以避免直接调节日期造 成日夜的混淆。
四 卡地亚手表的日历,星期,月相之调整切勿在手表时间21:00PM—3:00AM之间操作,此期间日历功能正在进行运 作,同时也是齿轮啮合度较低的时候,频繁的动作会损伤卡地亚手表的内部零件。
The timing accuracy of a mechanical watch cannot be achieved or maintained by means of a correction.
Why say so? Because of the mechanical watch time is changing, in elastic state, a spring fixed position, and the temperature environment it can temporarily accurately, relatively another situation will change. That is to say, even if it is not bad to correct a second watch, it will not keep it, the accuracy is always in the instantaneous and fluctuations in the. Moreover, there are many other factors that affect the precision of the watch, and we see that the error of the watch is only a real walk and the average error in the unit time.
Shenzhen Panerai table where identification of counterfeit watches warranty need to have some experience, the average consumer is difficult to identify its authenticity. In order to avoid the purchase of counterfeit watches, consumers in the purchase, to carefully identify the trademark, especially some of the characteristics of the brand name. Can also be based on the characteristics of some models of the structure (such as the seal of the handle device, calendar day shift device, the back cover rotation structure, etc.) to identify the authenticity. Should try to choose some good quality, and maintenance of the brand models (domestic such as Z, Z1, series, KLC, LSS series, imports, such as ETA2750, ETA2851 series, 371, 2660 series, etc.).
In the summer people often more exercise, sweating, sweat due to the pH value in different materials, the watch is different, and the impact on the sweat erosion degree is not the same. So the maintenance of the watch is more important in summer. Different materials of the watch, maintenance also has a different emphasis. As a person of love, you must know the following maintenance knowledge.
Cartire mechanical watch daily notes
Daily notes of mechanical watch
A waterproof performance to prevent moisture into the Cartire case and keep watch, please ensure that the crown moment is locked.
Dynamic secondary winding movement should try to watch every day at the same time the time to watch in the next 24 hours have enough energy.
Three more than 40 hours not wearing the automatik Cartire table should be on again when wearing the crown, twenty turns, in order to drive the system to start the movement again.
Four automatic winding movement watches, the energy from the wearer's arm movement is normal wear cases without manual winding, the wearer not only because of exercise for clockwork compensatory and enough energy. The method can be used to compensate for manual bent.
Full automatic machine table use note
Non professionals do not open the back cover to prevent damage.
Two, Cartire watches after adjustment must handle head back in the end.
Three, Cartire watch strap length adjustment: a slight adjustment of mobile pin position adjustment need to disassemble Cartire watchband with grain.
Four, Cartire mechanical automatic table in the wearer's activity may be slower than the hour, this is a normal phenomenon.
Manual machine table use note
One, do not open the back cover of Cartire watches.
Two, watch strap length adjustment slightly adjust the movable pin position adjustment, disassembly watchband axis.
Three, use the Cartire watch as far as possible without contact with water, steam, high temperature and corrosive gas, so as not to cause unnecessary damage to the movement and appearance. At the same time to avoid strong vibration, and away from the strong magnetic field environment.
Four, the rapid adjustment of the calendar to pull out the table, when the 12 minute alignment will clockwise dial 3 to 4 hours, and then clockwise back 12 points, namely the fast transfer of a day calendar. Pull out the table to rotate, so that when the minute hand clockwise two laps, also can make the calendar day jump along.
Five, every 24 hours on a spring, in order to ensure that travel time required to jump enough power. When the spring is on the 12 point upward, according to the clockwise rotation of the table to the first full winding. Pay attention to wound up after not to force the rotary table, so as not to wring stem or spring.
Watch time notes
A Cartire watch on a week calendar, because the system is divided into two different speed, the first kind of 5 minutes to complete the calendar within the calendar, the second in 3 hours to complete the calendar.
Two in case of using the spiral crown of Cartire watches, do not pull hard, please open the lock clockwise rotation of the crown, in good time, the Cartire crown clockwise and push the locking, so as to avoid water.
Three in the case of Cartire calendar with the need to adjust the date, please will you need to calendar date of the day before, after turning clockwise to adjust the date when the needle after 12 midnight when the date will change, this can avoid the confusion caused by adjusting the date of day and night.
Four Cartire watches calendar, week, phase adjustment operation between 21:00PM in 3:00AM do not watch the time, during this period the calendar functions are working, but also when the gear is low, the frequent movements will damage the internal parts of Cartire watches.
Shenzhen Panerai table where state-run stores for customer warranty generation test business, please purchase when the salesperson and the precision of position error detection time.